In the first five books of the Bible, Moses tells of the creation of the world, the corruption that begins wreaking havoc on it and the promises God makes to set it all right.

There has been a widespread agreement regarding the New Testament books from this time to the present day. Three councils endorsed these books as Scripture as well. We find the first list of New Testament books that mirror our New Testament today in a letter written by Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, in A.D. The test of antiquity: Had the church recognized these books as God’s words given to men?.The test of the apostle: Was it written by an apostle or one closely associated with an apostle?.They had two basic tests for inclusion in the Bible: As false teachers began disrupting matters, the early church had to decide which writings to recognize as inspired by God. After His death, His apostles (those chosen and sent by Jesus as His representatives) and others began teaching and writing on Christian faith, beliefs and practices. Jesus affirmed the divine origin of these same books and even quoted from most of them in His teachings. The Jews accepted the Old Testament books we have today as the Word of God centuries before Jesus’ birth.

Together these sections make up one large story that centers on humanity’s problem (sin) and God’s solution to send His Son to rescue humanity from this problem. It’s divided into two major sections or testaments. The Bible contains 66 books and was written by more than 40 authors over a period of roughly 1,500 years. Have you ever wondered how we got the book we call the Bible?